Sergei L. Shishkin

Please note: this is my OLD web page!

The NEW one is here:



PhD (in Biology, specialization: Human & Animal Physiology) from M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Russia, 1997.

PhD thesis: A study of synchronization of instants of abrupt changes in human EEG alpha activity. Advisor: Prof. A.Ya.Kaplan.

M.S. in Physiology, MSU, 1990 ("Method of "computer reactography" for human functional state monitoring"). Advisor: Prof. A.Ya.Kaplan.

With the Human Brain Research Group from 1988 (as Research Scientist: in 2001-2003, and February 2006 - present). From February 2003 to March 2005, worked for the Lab. for Advanced Brain Signal Processing, RIKEN BSI, Japan (as Research Scientist: April 2004 to March 2005).


 Research Interests


  • Brain-computer interface.
  • Integration and coordination within and between brain systems in humans.
  • Brain mechanisms of cognitive and affective functions.
  • Advanced methodology and tools for the analysis of normal and pathological EEG.
  •  BCI papers  (new)


    For new BCI (brain-computer interface) publications, please see our new BCI page (yet in Russian only, sorry).

     Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals


  • A.Cichocki, S.L.Shishkin, T.Musha, Z.Leonowicz, T.Asada, T.Kurachi. EEG filtering based on blind source separation (BSS) for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. Clin Neurophysiol. 2005;116(3):729-737. [ PDF ]
    A new method based on BSS technique (similar to ICA) for improving discrimination of multichannel signals was developed and applied for the EEG based preclinical diagnosis of AD, resulting in up to 80% correct detection of MCI patients who later proceeded to AD.
  • Z.Leonowicz, J.Karvanen, S.L.Shishkin. Trimmed estimators for robust averaging of event-related potentials. J. Neurosci. Methods. 2005;142(1):17-26. Manuscript draft: [ PDF ]
    Several alternatives to arithmetic mean, including recently developed and an original one (proposed in this paper), were studied in respect to their performance in ERP averaging; their ability to overperform mean (though not very strongly...) was demonstrated for the data with non-Gaussian noise.
  • B.S.Darkhovsky, A.Ya.Kaplan, S.L.Shishkin. On an approach to the estimation of the complexity of curves, with application to human EEG. Automatica i Telemekhanika (Automation and Remote Control). 2002;3:134-140. (In Russian) Manuscript draft: [ PDF ]
    In this paper, an original approach for estimating fundamental complexity of a signal was proposed. An index designed according to this approach was shown to be sensitive to EEG pattern.
  • A.Ya.Kaplan, S.V.Borisov, S.L.Shishkin, V.A.Ermolaev. Analysis of the segmental structure of EEG alpha-activity in humans. Ross. Fiziol. Zh. Im. I.M.Sechenova. 2002;4:84-95. (In Russian) [ PDF ]
    It was shown that the difference in mean alpha activity amplitude between open and closed eyes state is more a result of the difference between number of segments belonging to the different amplitude classes, rather than of the shift of the distribution of its envelope's momentary amplitude.
  • A.Ya.Kaplan, An.A.Fingelkurts, Al.A.Fingelkurts, S.L.Shishkin, R.M.Ivashko. Spatial synchronization of the segmental EEG in humans. Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deiat Im. I.P.Pavlova (I.P.Pavlov J. of Higher Nervous Activity). 2000;50(4):624-637 (Rus.). [ PubMed ]
    Dependence of alpha activity interchannel change-point synchrony and linear correlation on the interelectrode distance was studied using high density electrode chains. Clear dependence on cortical area were found in the patterns of both measures of synchronization.
  • B.E.Brodsky, B.S.Darkhovsky, A.Ya.Kaplan, S.L.Shishkin. Nonparametric method for the segmentation of the EEG. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomed. 1999;60(2):93-106. [ PubMed ]
  • S.L.Shishkin, A.Ya.Kaplan. [Some topographical features of the synchronization of the power shifts in human EEG alpha activity]. Fiziologiya Cheloveka 1999;25(6):5-14. (In Russian) [ HTML ] [ PDF ] English translation: Certain topographic regularities of the synchrony of shifts in the intensity of alpha-activity in a human EEG. Human Physiology. 1999;25(6):629-638. [ MAIK ]
  • B.E.Brodsky, B.S.Darkhovsky, A.Ya.Kaplan, S.L.Shishkin. Nonparametric segmentation of the electrical signals of the brain. Automation and Remote Control. 1998;59(2, Part 1):172-179.
  • S.L.Shishkin, B.E.Brodsky, B.S.Darkhovsky, A.Ya.Kaplan. EEG as a nonstationary signal: an approach to analysis based on nonparametric statistics. Fiziologia Cheloveka (Human Physiology). 1997;23(4):124-126 (Rus.). (English translation: under the same title. Human Physiology. 1997;23(4):497-499.)
  • A.Ya.Kaplan, S.L.Shishkin. Cardiosynchronous [heartbeat-related] phenomena of brain functioning: psychophysiological aspects. Biol. Nauki. 1992;10:5-24 (Rus.). [ HTML ] [ PDF ]
  •  Book Chapters


  • A.Ya.Kaplan, S.L.Shishkin. Application of the change-point analysis to the investigation of the brain electrical activity. Chapter 7 in: B.E.Brodsky, B.S.Darkhovsky. Nonparametric Statistical Diagnosis: Problems and Methods. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht. 2000. P.333-388. [ HTML ]
    A review of studies using application of change-point detection to EEG analysis, with emphasis on the analysis of synchrony. The chapter also proposed some new approaches (especially for multichannel analysis).
  •  Conference Proceedings


  • F.Vialatte, A.Cichocki, G.Dreyfus, T.Musha, S.L.Shishkin, R.Gervais. Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease by blind source separation, time frequency representation, and bump modeling of EEG signals. - W. Duch et al. (Eds.), Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) (Warsaw, 2005), LNCS 3696, Springer, 2005, pp. 683-692.[ PDF ]
    Combining a novel "bump modeling" technique with "BSS filtering" (Cichocki, Shishkin et al., 2005) provided further improvement in the detection of MCI patients who proceeded to AD.
  • S.L.Shishkin, A.Ya.Kaplan, H.Bakardjian, A.Cichocki. Combining the extremities on the basis of separation: A new approach to EEG/ERP source localization. Unveiling the Mystery of the Brain: Neurophysiological Investigation of the Brain Function (Ed. by S. Tsuji et al.). International Congress Series (Elsevier), 2005, Vol. 1278 (Proc. of 8th Int. Evoked Potentials Symp., 2004, Fukuoka, Japan), pp. 119-122. [ PDF ]
    ICA/BSS "cleaning" of EEG from strong local sources is suggested for enhancing the analysis of distributed sources.
  • Y.Li, A.Cichocki, S.Amari, S.Shishkin, J.Cao, F.Gu. Sparse representation and its applications in blind source separation. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 (Proc. of NIPS 2003). MIT Press, 2004. P. 241-248. [ PDF ]
    A potential of the new BSS method, sparse representation (ICA-like, but not forcing independence or decorrelation of sources), for estimating dynamical coupling between the brain sources with phase synchrony analysis was studied; correlation of the synchrony and operator performance in a memory task was demonstrated (though in a small data set).
  • V.B.Dorokhov, S.L.Shishkin, A.Ya.Kaplan. EEG-analysis of brain functional state dynamics in drowsiness using amplitude correlation. Proc. of Ann. Int. Conf. on Neurocybernetics (ICNC’2002). Vol. 1. Rostov-on-Don, CVVR Publ., 2002, pp.152-154 (Rus.).
  • E.V.Levichkina, S.V.Borisov, S.L.Shishkin, V.A.Ermolayev, A.Ya.Kaplan. Segmental analysis of human EEG alpha activity recorded during the perception of autostereograms and 2D pictures. Conference “Actual questions of functional hemisphere asymmetry”. Moscow, Dec. 13-14, 2001. P. 99-102 (Rus.).
  • S.L.Shishkin, S.V.Borisov, E.V.Levichkina, A.Ya.Kaplan. Temporal structure of human EEG alpha rhythm and its spatial synchronization: implications for the psychophysiological diagnostic. 6th Multidisciplinary Regional Conf. of Biol. Psychiatry. Moscow, Oct. 25-26, 2001. P. 95-96.
  •  Invited Talks


  • The EEG: an old cheap toy or a window into the brain for the XXI century? Interdisciplinary seminar "Brain" (Moscow, Russia). 2004, Dec. 23. [ Abstract & references ]
    Limitations and new horizons of EEG/ERP. Stimulating role of the idea of brain-computer interface; ICA and other separating techniques; new statistical approaches to testing multiple variables (based on randomization and on false discovery rate control) provide unexpected opportunities, especially for the studies of EEG spatial synchronization.
  • New technologies open new horizons for using EEG and ERP in brain research. Hiroshima University (Japan). 2004, Nov. 29.
    The importance of ERP for psychophysiologists in the age of fMRI. Introduction to ICA and statistical approaches to testing multiple variables.
  • Introduction to ICA/BSS and their application to EEG/ERP (seminar for psychophysiologists). Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan). 2004, Sept. 4.
    Introduction to ICA and other separation techniques. Detailed analysis of usefulness and limitations of these techniques in the analysis of real data, especially ERP. Introduction to EEGLAB and ICALAB.
  • The moments of changes in EEG: their detection and application to the study of brain synchrony. “ERD Seminar”, Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Turku (Finland). 1997, May.
    Nonstationarity of EEG: an obstacle for analysis or a rich source of information about brain dynamics? Results of developing tools for detecting changes in EEG and estimating synchrony of changes; experimental results for EEG in rest and in memory task.
  •  Web Development


    Main Works

  • Web site of the Society for the Advancement of Science in Russia. Designer, editor, administrator. 2006-present.
  • (Together with Eugeny E. Onischenko) [Monitor Reformi Nauki] (Science Reform Monitor). Designer and co-editor. 2005.
    Web pages supporting the activities of an informal group of scientists from many Russian cities and from abroad, who prepare and propose for the goverment their suggestions for science reform in Russia.
  • "Science in Russia" section of Researcher@, a site for the Russian scientists working abroad. Editor. 2003-present.
  • Web site of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Biology. Writer, editor (most of the content). 2001-2003.
  • Department of Human and Animal Physiology at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology (special web site devoted to the anniversary of the Department, which is believed to be the oldest university department in Russia; currently, the site is also used as the official web site of the department). 2001.
  • Sleep.Ru, a professional site for Russian somnologists. Designer. 2001.
  • Web site of The Early Music Theatre at Moscow State University. Designer. 2001.
  • Web site of the Human Brain Research Group (together with Egor V. Lobusov in the first year). 1999-2005.
  • Related Publications

  • Faculty site as a powerful tool for developing interest to studying at MSU and maintaining university culture. Conference "Scientific and educational Internet resources of MSU". M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, November 27-28, 2001. (Rus.) [ DOC ]
  • S.Shishkin, I.Meschersky, V.Sidorova. Site of Faculty of Biology, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Newspaper "Biologiya" (Biology). 2003 No. 5. (Rus.) [ HTML ]
  •  Other Interests and Activities


    I participate in the activities organized by the web site for saving and advancing the Russian science. One of these activities is creating the Society for the Advancement of Science in Russia. The following presentation at "Round Table" held at Ministry of Higher Education and Science (26 Aug. 2005) was one of the contributions to these efforts:

  • S.L.Shishkin. "Scientific diaspora": how much this resource can be used in near decades. (Rus.) [ PowerPoint presentation ]
  • In 2004, I participated in a compaign against vandalism actions of the Russian followers of ALF, who atacked vivaria in MSU buildings and nearby. We (a group of researchers working at Moscow State University and abroad, who communicated at a professional web site found that one of the reason of a quick growth of popularity of ALF ideology in Russia could be the lack or almost absence of information about the ethical background of animal experiments in the Internet in Russian, while the "liberation" views based on wrong information about animal experimentations were in abundance. Thus, the main part of our campaign was writing the following text for the general public, which could be easily found on the Web by everybody who is searching for info in Russian on animal experiments:

  • Experiments in Animals and Humanism. 2004. (Rus.) [ HTML ]
  • I am interested in some areas of psychology; below is something related:

  • S.L.Shishkin. Introduction to Russian translation of Franz Alexander's Psychosomatic Medicine. Gerrus, Moscow, 2000, p. 10-20. (Rus.) [ HTML ]
  • Some of my very preliminary thoughts about "sense of nonsense" are here (sorry, again in Russian only).

    Last (but not least) thing to mention is a small book, an introduction to studying at Moscow State University Faculty of Biology:

  • S.L.Shishkin, A.V.Kaluev. How to survive at MSU Biofac. MSU Faculty of Biology, 1992, 1993, 2001. (Rus.) [ HTML ]
  •  Photos


    Petersburg Album
    (1997, 8 photos)

