Our interest is the secret springs of work of a brain. How can a new
idea be born in the brain if the physical environment remains constant?
How do hidden intentions express themselves in our actions and in our perception? What
mechanisms of the brain are broken in schizophrenia? At last, we try to
understand, how the brain would work in a new reality when enabled to
operate external objects directly, without the help of muscles. For this
purpose we create brain-computer interfaces (BCI) based on modern
methods of computational electroencephalography. We believe that BCI
technology is a new paradigm in contemporary psychophysiology opening
the door to Thought Driven Reality.
Новая научно-популярная статья А.Я.Каплана об интерфейсах мозг-компьютер (журнал "Наука из первых рук"):
Нейрокомпьютерный симбиоз: движение силой мысли.
Nigel Ackland поздравляет Александра Каплана с удачным докладом на конгрессе GF2045 (New-York June 15 2013) с надеждой на скорое подключение протеза руки к интерфейсу мозг-компьютер.
Our MindPuzzle (a P300 BCI game) in Technology Update program at Russia Today TV channel.
Former employees: Arina G. Kochetova, Ph.D. Sergei L. Shishkin, Ph.D. Victor A. Ermolayev, Dipl. Engin. Roman Draginsky, Dipl. Engin. Yuri Nuzhdin, Dipl. Engin. Alex Preobrazhensky, programming
PhD students Andrei Miroshnikov, M.S. Timofei Ponomarev, M.S. Anna Makovskaya, M.S. Yulia Shevtsova, M.S.
Undergrad students Irina Beylina Irina Popova Eva Novikova
Former Visitors Prof. Joachim Röschke (St Valentinushaus, Klin Psychiat & Psychotherapie, Kiedrich, Germany)
Dr. Jürgen Fell (Dept. of Epileptology, University of Bonn, Germany)
Dr. Jong-Gil Byeon, Ph.D. (Chungbuk National University, Korea)